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In this blog, Stephanie Tierney describes a study focused on understanding factors affecting the retention of link workers, and ways to address this issue.
Discussing factors that affect the retention of social prescribing link workers with our PPI group
In July 2024, we held our third Patient-Public Involvement (PPI) meeting to discuss a study on the retention of social prescribing link workers. In this blog, the researcher, Lucy Moore, summarises some key points covered at this meeting.
Using photo elicitation in interviews to explore link workers’ experiences and intentions to quit
In this blog, Lucy Moore, who is leading on data collection and analysis of the qualitative component of our mixed methods study on the retention of link workers, reflects on using photo elicitation as part of this investigation.
Discussing issues related to retention of social prescribing link workers at a PPI meeting
In March 2024, a second Patient-Public Involvement (PPI) meeting was held to discuss a study on the retention of link workers. In this blog, the study’s lead, Stephanie Tierney, summarises some key points covered at this meeting.