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Meet the team
- Kamal R. Mahtani
- Stephanie Tierney
- Geoff Wong
- Amadea Turk
- Lucy Shaw
- Joanna Lach
- Emma Webster
- Helen Chatterjee
- Kerryn Husk
- Kathryn Eccles
- Caroline Potter
- Harriet Warburton
- Beth McDougall
- Joy Todd
- Anne-Marie Boylan
- Susan McCormack
- Vanessa Raymont
- Rebecca Brown
- Nia Roberts
- Sebastien Libert
- Oluwafunmi Akinyemi
- Jordan Gorenberg
- Shona Forster
- Clare Mackay
- Catherine Pope
- Dr Caroline Mitchell
- Sabi Redwood
- Prof Joanne Reeve
- Beccy Baird
- Tony Meacock
- Debra Westlake
- Helen Shearn
- Steven Markham
- Richard Blackwell
- Vasilios Ioakimidis
- Will Long
- Christopher Banks-Pillar
- David Nunan
- Sofia Vougioukalou
- Marta Santillo
- Marta Santillo
- Lucy Moore
- Iva Fattorini
- Rebecca Siriwardene
- Contact us
News archive
- Cultural environments can improve health and wellbeing through “social prescribing”, according to Oxford University report
- Public engagement and involvement proposals given green light
- Doctoral studentship to investigate museums as spaces of social care - Open for applications
- Cultural environments can improve health and wellbeing through social prescribing
- Harnessing scientific evidence to power the future of social prescribing
- Harcourt Arboretum welcomes link workers and social prescribers
- Report on social prescribing in green spaces
- The role of social prescribing to support people diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment
- Navigating the 'public health epidemic' of loneliness in primary care
- Connecting, linking or navigating patients to social prescribing services? Clarifying terminology to support improved implementation
- Volunteering during the COVID-19 pandemic: What are the potential benefits to people’s well-being?
- Can social prescribing support the COVID-19 pandemic?
- Social prescribing sounds great – but great for whom, in what circumstances and why?
- Can patient and public involvement in research form a part of social prescribing?
- The Ethics of Social Prescribing: An Overview
- What have gardens, libraries and museums got to do with your health and wellbeing? – A workshop for members of the public
- How can gardens, libraries and museums support social prescribing? - A meeting to foster awareness, collaboration and engagement with stakeholders
- ‘Cultural’ offerings as a pathway to supporting older people’s well-being – but what do we mean by ‘cultural’?
- COVID-19 pandemic: Can the cultural and heritage sectors support older people’s well-being through social prescribing?
- Unpacking culture and the well-being of older people during the COVID-19 pandemic
- What is the potential role of community pharmacists in social prescribing?
- Locating data sources for a rapid realist review on the cultural sector and social prescribing for older people
- Developing programme theory around culture-based social prescribing for older people
- Programme theory from rapid realist review on older people, social prescribing and the cultural sector in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
- What do link workers think about involving the cultural sector in social prescribing for older people? Findings from a questionnaire
- Understanding the implementation of link workers in primary care: A realist evaluation to inform current and future policy
- Patient perspectives on the role of social prescribing for mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
- Observing the social prescribing link worker role: reflections from the front line
- Real world encounters with social prescribing: Reflections from fieldwork on a study to understand the link worker role
- Street-level bureaucrats: Ideas from Lipsky applied to the role of social prescribing link workers
- The Link Worker Project - Reflections from a PPI Contributor
- The Impact of COVID-19 on social prescribing link workers’ experiences in primary care – key messages from an evaluation in the southwest of England.
- Coming together in person to discuss and experience cultural/creative focused social prescribing: A knowledge exchange event
- Sharing our thinking: Exploring the views of the public on our research
- Approaches to delivering social prescribing link workers in primary care: What can we learn from Normalisation Process Theory (NPT)?
- Who creates the interventions that social prescribing link workers refer to and what social programmes are appropriate for whom?
- Supporting people with lived experience of prisons through social prescribing: Reflections on a knowledge exchange event
- Exploring the role of green spaces in social prescribing: A knowledge exchange event
- Stepping outside the screen: Reflections on our first face-to-face (rather than remote) PPI meeting
- Counting GP appointments when evaluating social prescribing: Does a reduction necessarily signal success?
- Community cohesion to develop social capital: A means of addressing health and well-being
- Can community railways support people through social prescribing?
- Come for the food, stay for the revolution
- How we make sense of data
- At your discretion: Public and link worker reflections on our emerging findings
- A busy few years: Developing a programme of research on social prescribing
- What does it mean for link workers to fit or belong in primary care? Reflections on a conference presentation
- Developing social capital through community-based interventions to address loneliness: A scoping review protocol
- Metrics and measures: What are the best ways to characterise our study sites?
- Understanding social prescribing in socially and economically disadvantaged settings: Emerging findings and future research priorities
- Holding, diversity and the link worker role: Reflections on a patient-public involvement meeting
- Strengthening communities through the power of solidarity and the richness of culture: Social and cultural prescribing in Greece
- Identifying meaningful change in social prescribing: A Storytelling discussion meeting
- Effective and achievable evaluation in social prescribing: What is needed, for whom and how?
- Getting feedback on our early findings at a knowledge exchange meeting with link workers
- Poetry as a reflective method for research and practice
- Starting a new project with a review of the literature
- Embarking on research to explore issues related to retention of social prescribing link workers in their role
- Festival of collaboration: Speaking at an engagement event about social prescribing research
- The interplay between social capital and loneliness: Reflections from a scoping review
- Facilitating a knowledge exchange event for link workers and key stakeholders
- Knowledge exchange event in the southwest of England
- Marking 'International Day of Older Persons' at a community event
- Talking about the research with stakeholders: Our third knowledge exchange meeting
- The TOUS project held its first public involvement meeting
- Oxford Botanic Garden and Arboretum as a space for wellbeing
- Storytelling to understand change for older people from ethnic minority groups engaging in cultural activities
- TOUS scoping review: Exploring cultural activities for older people from ethnic minority groups
- National Social Prescribing Day, March 14th, 2024: developing an induction and training infographic for link workers
- Discussing issues related to retention of social prescribing link workers at a PPI meeting
- Tailoring public involvement opportunities beyond group meetings
- Exploring understanding of social prescribing in primary care among healthcare professionals, voluntary-community sector representatives, and patients in England
- Developing a social prescribing programme for older people from diverse communities: Experiences in Leicester
- Friday afternoon wind-down – talking to the public about social prescribing and cultural provision
- Sustaining public engagement for under-represented groups and creating space for culturally sensitive involvement: Reflections from PPI lead on the TOUS study
- Using photo elicitation in interviews to explore link workers’ experiences and intentions to quit
- Presenting on the TOUS study at the British Society of Gerontology’s conference
- Discussing research processes with peers: Presenting our work on the link worker role at the Health Services Research UK conference
- Discussing factors that affect the retention of social prescribing link workers with our PPI group
- Shaping inclusive cultural offers: Reflections from our knowledge exchange event
- Joining Canadian colleagues to share learning about social prescribing
- Establishing cultural provision for South Asian older adults with cognitive impairment: Persevering through challenges and successes
- "Creative activities as a health-giving social prescription": Reflections from our second discussion session
- Public involvement in data analysis for the TOUS study
- Improving the retention of social prescribing link workers in their role
- Blog moderation
- Publications
- Social prescribing for older people in the time of COVID drawing on the cultural sector
- Volunteering and social prescribing
- Social prescribing connector schemes
- The role of Gardens, Libraries and Museums in supporting well-being
- The potential of social prescribing in supporting the health and wellbeing of people diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
- Exploring social prescribing needs for rural communities: A healthy community fair in a community pub
- Beyond the Balcony
- Brain Diaries
- Meet Me at the Museum
- Memory Lane
- Me, Myself and Manet
- Messy Realities
- Picturing Parkinson's
- Stoke Mandeville
- Turner's Oxford
- Patient and stakeholder engagement project: The potential of social prescribing in supporting the health and wellbeing of people diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
- Understanding the implementation of link workers in primary care: A realist evaluation to inform current and future policy
- Outputs from a realist evaluation on understanding the implementation of social prescribing link workers in primary care
- Tailoring cultural offers with and for diverse older users of social prescribing (TOUS): A realist evaluation
- Occupational self-efficacy and job discrepancy and how they affect social prescribing link workers’ experiences of their role and intentions to quit: A mixed methods study
Reports & Protocols
- Can gardens, libraries and museums improve wellbeing through social prescribing?
- What impact does volunteering have on personal well-being from the perspective of adults undertaking it? A thematic synthesis
- Optimising cultural provision to improve older people’s wellbeing through social prescribing in the context of COVID-19: what works, for whom, in what circumstances, and why?
- Research Projects
- Our Projects
- Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Group
- Social prescribing in socially and economically disadvantaged settings - A mixed-methods study of link worker interactions and networks
- Sandpit event Feb 2020: The role of social prescribing in addressing the mental well-being of people diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
- Volunteering: how it affects well-being and its role in social prescribing
- Sandpit event Sept 2020: The role of social prescribing in addressing the mental well-being of people diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
- Exploring social prescribing needs for rural communities: A healthy community fair in a community pub
- What have gardens, libraries and museums got to do with your health and wellbeing? – A workshop for members of the public
- How can gardens, libraries and museums (GLAM) support social prescribing?
- Exploring the Impact of Social Prescribing on Communities
- Oxford Social Prescribing Research Network: An interdisciplinary approach to creating an evidence base
- In what ways can museums, gardens and libraries be good for our health? Exploring how social prescribing within cultural spaces can support older people’s wellbeing
- Knowledge exchange event – social prescribing and the cultural sector
- Public Engagement