What have gardens, libraries and museums got to do with your health and wellbeing? – A workshop for members of the public
Amadea Turk
Wednesday, 10 July 2019, 12am to 1am
Exploring the ways which these gardens, libraries and museum collections and spaces could contribute to health and wellbeing and become a part of the social prescribing.
This project culminated in two knowledge-exchange workshops that took place in July 2019. One of the workshops was designed to engage members of the public and the other for those involved in delivering and commissioning social prescribing services as well as representatives from the arts and cultural sector.
The objective: The CEBM researchers, GLAM team members and a patient and public contributor formed the core project team. The team collaborated together and with others to co-design, deliver and evaluate this one-day, interactive workshop. The objectives were to raise awareness, as well as gaining insights, about social prescribing, explore how gardens, libraries and museums could health and wellbeing and to steer ongoing and future research.
Recruitment Method: GLAM engagement staff recruited workshop participants through some of the regular groups that already meet at the museums (link to “Meet Me at the Museum”). Research staff contacted local groups such as Oxfordshire Mind and Age UK Oxfordshire and invited them to circulate information about the workshop to their service users. The workshop was also published on Eventbrite where anybody who was interested could sign up. The workshop was attended by 30 members of the public.
These workshops took place at the King's Centre in Oxford and were designed to be social, informative and generate discussion. It was held at a local conference centre, selected because of its accessibility. Participants were provided with a lunch, during which a singing group performed.
The activities were preceded by short presentations from the research and GLAM teams, explaining social prescribing in the context of the healthcare system and within Oxford; and showcasing some of the fantastic activities the museum engagement teams are running at GLAM venues as well as in the community. Three participants who regularly participate in “Meet Me at the Museum” gave moving and powerful personal accounts of how the activities run by the museum have had a positive impact on their lives.
Find out more about these workshops.
Amadea Turk is a Researcher in Evidence Synthesis at the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, University of Oxford, and is part of the School for Primary Care Research’s Evidence Synthesis Working Group.
* The CEBM/GLAM project team consisted of Tony Meacock (public contributor), Stephanie Tierney (CEBM), Amadea Turk (CEBM), Kamal Mahtani (CEBM), Lucy Shaw (GLAM) and Emma Webster (GLAM).