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In this blog, Patient-Public Involvement (PPI) lead for the TOUS study, Sofia Vougioukalou from Cardiff University, reflects on work undertaken to date on this study. This study consists of: a) a scoping review; b) a mapping exercise of cultural provision in the UK developed for or with older people from ethnic minority groups; c) case studies in the UK of cultural provision attracting older people from ethnic minority groups and interviews with key informants.
Presenting on the TOUS study at the British Society of Gerontology’s conference
TOUS study
Principal investigator on the TOUS study, Stephanie Tierney, reflects on presenting as part of a symposium in Newcastle at the 2024 conference run by the British Society of Gerontology.
Friday afternoon wind-down – talking to the public about social prescribing and cultural provision
TOUS study
In April 2024, Stephanie Tierney and Beth McDougall ran a public engagement event at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History. A summary of the session they provided is described in this blog.
TOUS scoping review: Exploring cultural activities for older people from ethnic minority groups
TOUS study
This blog details the journey of a scoping review conducted to explore cultural activities tailored for older people from ethnic minority groups.
Storytelling to understand change for older people from ethnic minority groups engaging in cultural activities
TOUS study
In this blog, Debra Westlake reflects on training in Storytelling as an approach that will be used in a realist evaluation seeking to explore and explain how cultural activities can support the well-being of older people from ethnic minority groups.
Starting a new project with a review of the literature
TOUS study
In this blog, Stephanie Tierney, who is co-leading a study funded through UK Research and Innovation, outlines the first part of this new realist project, which builds on a previous piece of work about the cultural sector, older people and social prescribing.