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Working to understand different perspectives on social prescribing, how patients health and wellbeing can benefit and the mechanisms through which services can be delivered optimally.
Prof Joanne Reeve
Prof Joanne Reeve - Professor of Primary Care Research, Hull York Medical School
Sabi Redwood
Sabi Redwood - Senior Lecturer in Ethnography / Qualitative Social Science, Bristol Medical School
Nia Roberts
Nia Roberts - Outreach Librarian, Knowledge Centre, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford
Rebecca Brown
Rebecca Brown - Career Development Fellow Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, University of Oxford
Vanessa Raymont
Vanessa Raymont - Senior Clinical Research Director, Oxford Brain Health Clinical Trials Unit, University of Oxford
Susan McCormack
Susan McCormack - Director of Public Engagement at The Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford
Anne-Marie Boylan
PhD FHEA Anne-Marie Boylan - Departmental Lecturer & Senior Researcher
Joy Todd
Joy Todd - Head of Volunteers, Gardens, Libraries & Museums, University of Oxford
Harriet Warburton
Harriet Warburton - Research and Impact Manager, Gardens, Libraries & Museums, University of Oxford
Caroline Potter
Caroline Potter - Senior Research Fellow, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford
Kathryn Eccles
Kathryn Eccles - Research Fellow, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford
Kerryn Husk
Kerryn Husk - PenARC Senior Research Fellow Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health), University of Plymouth
Helen Chatterjee
Helen Chatterjee - Professor of Biology, Genetics, Evolution & Environment Div of Biosciences, University College London