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In this blog, researcher Steven Markham describes how he and the wider link worker implementation study team are making sense of the vast amount of data produced from seven case studies.
Outputs from a realist evaluation on understanding the implementation of social prescribing link workers in primary care
Here are the outputs from a 30 month project exploring the implementation of social prescribing link workers in primary care.
Turner's Oxford
A wide-ranging public engagement programme which focused on J.M.W. Turner's oil painting of Oxford's High Street, featuring projects with young people and with homeless artists.
Stoke Mandeville
GLAM's Education Team delivers an on-going programme of object handling and art activities for patients with spinal injuries in partnership with Stoke Mandeville Hospital.
Picturing Parkinson's
Picturing Parkinson's brings together artists, patients and neuroscientists to bridge the gap between objective research into Parkinson’s Disease and people’s lived experience of the condition.
Messy Realities
Connecting museum collections and contemporary medical technologies.
Me, Myself and Manet
The Ashmolean Museum saved Manet's Portrait of Mademoiselle Claus for permanent public display, and an ambitious public engagement programme enabled as many people as possible to access and engage with the painting
Memory Lane
Memory Lane reminiscence sessions are for older people to share their stories at the Museum of Oxford.
Meet Me at the Museum
Meet Me at the Museum is a social group for older people that enables behind-the-scenes access to the Ashmolean and Pitt Rivers Museums and collections. Meet Me at the Museum supports older people and those living with Dementia to be socially connected, creating opportunities for new conversations and learning together.
Brain Diaries
‘My Brain Diaries’ was a collaborative project between Headway Oxfordshire, poet Kelley Swain and the Joint Museums Community Engagement team in response to the Brain Diaries exhibition at the Museum of Natural History.
Beyond the Balcony
A community engagement project inspired by Manet's Portrait of Mlle Claus, 2015-2016.
Exploring social prescribing needs for rural communities: A healthy community fair in a community pub
Social prescribing is a key policy initiative for the NHS. We have engaged with members of a more rural area, to help us understand how social prescribing should be set up to make a difference to health and well-being across different life stages.
The potential of social prescribing in supporting the health and wellbeing of people diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
Social prescribing helps people locate and access community assets that can improve or maintain their holistic health. We have been conducting a series of engagement projects that look at the potential role of social prescribing for people diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment.
The role of Gardens, Libraries and Museums in supporting well-being
This project looks at the role of gardens, libraries and museums to support health and well-being, and how we can raise public awareness of the role of these environments for social prescribing.
Social prescribing connector schemes
Social prescribing connector schemes can support patients to engage in social prescribing activities. We are conducting a programme of work on the topic of social prescribing connector roles.
Volunteering and social prescribing
Exploring the role of volunteering in community settings to promote well-being and to tackle ill-health.
Social prescribing for older people in the time of COVID drawing on the cultural sector
Optimising cultural provision to improve older people’s wellbeing through social prescribing in the context of COVID-19: Realist review and evaluation.